Central to the practice of neuro-emotional technique melbourne practitioner, Dr. Jim is an understanding of the role emotions play in our lives.
Emotions are a normal response to everyday situations, such as anger, fear, grief or sadness. Emotions are normal functions of all human beings, and most often they are a healthy response to a situation and pose no neurophysiologic problem. Generally speaking, if you feel threatened by a snarling dog, it is normal to feel fear. This is a healthy reaction designed to help keep you safe. Once the threat is removed, the fear will generally resolve.
Where do our emotions reside? The connection between emotions, the nervous system and our health is now widely recognised. In fact, scientists currently estimate that chronic stress and its effects are the underlying may cause up to 90% of chronic illness.
Once thought to reside only in the brain, emotions are now scientifically known to produce a physiological (or chemical) reaction in the body. Experiencing an emotion can create a temporary change in body chemistry, our indication that parts of the body outside of the brain can hold emotions, too.
The conditioned response or what we learned from Pavlov’s dogs. Ivan Pavlov (1849 – 1936) was a Russian physiologist who conducted a well-known experiment with dogs. During his research, he rang a bell to signal the dogs they were about to be fed. Soon, when the dogs heard the bell, they would begin to salivate in anticipation of being fed. Pavlov discovered, however, that after a while, the dogs would salivate when they heard the bell, even if there was no food. He also discovered that if the bell was changed to a different sounding bell or any of a variety of cues, the dogs would still salivate. This automatic reaction came to be known as “a conditioned response.”
The dogs’ anticipation of food created a chemical response that produced saliva. Similarly, emotions chemically affect our human bodies at almost every level. A simple example of this connection is the “butterflies” we sometimes feel in our stomach when we are anxious.
Most of the time, the body processes these chemical changes satisfactorily, enabling us to “let go” of any psychological or physical affects of the emotion. Sometimes, however, emotional response patterns can unconsciously become “stuck” in the body, especially if you are overwhelmed by the incident or experiencing a physical deficiency at the time. In such a case, we are unable to process that particular feeling and become stuck with an emotional response that is doomed to repeat itself. The “stuck” emotion creates a mind-body “loop”, in which an undesirable feeling, belief or situation triggers an emotion that in turn creates stress and perhaps physical ramifications, as well. This is our human conditioned response.
For example, if you often were criticised and scolded for little mistakes as a child, you would begin to do what you could to be sure you didn’t make further “mistakes” that could garner you criticism. As an adult, your past experience might make you tense and anxious about trying new things or making a decision, without recognizing the long-ago connection that could be causing your worry much of the time.
Your body responds to your emotional as well as physical reality—even imagined events can affect your emotions and have a dramatic impact on your body chemistry. A phobia, or fear, for example, is based on your body’s reacting to perceived future events.
It is for this conditioned response that Neuro Emotional Melbourne Technique Melbourne practitioner is may be particularly effective approach. NET helps us connect the dots to the original event, thereby forming a basis for undoing our own conditioned response and moving ahead to relieve our stress and/or its related physical manifestations.